
Worldless Wednesday #1


Sunye is getting married!

This is Sunye She's beautiful. and she is only 23. (born in 1989) and she's getting married next January. OMG! (26 Jan 2013 to be precisely) oh, before I forget. She's a singer from the Wonder Girls I like her and Yenny the most in Wonder Girls. They have beautiful voices. Now, that I heard they will do more solo activities, hopefully Yenny will get to release her solo album. She's a talented composer.  Ok. enough with WG.  Omg. Sunye... awwww... she's getting married.  This is how I feel whenever I heard my friends will get married. You know.. the feeling.. letting your friend to enter a new phase in their life, while praying you will experience the same thing in your life one day.   I'm happy for her.  Congratulations Sunye!  Few songs from Wonder Girls WG wear Baju Kurung during concert in Malaysia. So pretty.

Cuci blog

Blog bersawang minta dicuci akhirnya tuan empunya blog munculkan diri dah ada masa ni, apa lagi habis dia modify semua sekali sekian, pantun suka suki untuk hari ini moga berjumpa lagi di lain hari.  ^_____^

New Post New Challenge

gosh..try to update using phone. tajuk je yg sukses. nak tulis isinya tak lepas. ok. maafkan saya yang sungguh blur dan terkial kial nak menaipnya ni heh. terus ambil laptop update ikut komputer lagi senang, cepat dan tangkas. =p ok. tak pe. pelan pelan kayuh. next challenge, update picture plak.

Bersih oh Bersih

thanks to twitter, saya sekarang cepat ter-update dengan isu semasa. sama ada dalam atau luar negara. tengok je topik yang menjadi trending kt tepi timeline twitter dah boleh tahu isu panas. luahan ringkas di malam hari. i'm sleepy. bye. p/s: I love Malaysia. Peace.

A New Day Has Come

feeling monday blues yes, I'm feeling blue fever should stop but can't let it go should heal but still feel the pain new day has come yet I'm still here waiting for someone waiting for it to stop half-hearted is not the right way may i find the strength  may  i find the end let it be the end yet will start a new journey then

YouCam + Baucer RM200

Miahahhahaa... sorry. pepagi ahad ni tetibe rasa nak main webcam. dah setahun aku beli laptop ni. tapi tak pernah sekalipun aku on webcam ni. tak pandai sebenarnya. huhu... sampai aku ingatkan camera ni memang tak berfungsi pun. sehinggalah laptop aku rosak hari tu, dan aku hantar pergi kedai. dan tukang baiki tu dah format segala pastu masukkan application youcam ni. hahaha.... hari ni baru aku nak try. bagus tak. time duk main2 ngan anak sedara aku ari tu tak de plak nak try bukak cam ni. kan dah rugi.... heh heh.... saje je nak tunjuk baucer ni. ada masa dua bulan lagi sebelum baucer ni expired. tak de idea nak beli buku ape lagi. semalam aku tengok ada member aku upload gambar buku yang dia beli guna baucer ni. dia beli novel. 4 novel. terbaikk ahh... dapat baucer beli novel. aku? masih tak de idea nak beli ape. nak beli buku ilmiah, memang bukan style aku. nak beli novel...lagi lah bukan style aku. aku pinjam kt library je kalau nak baca novel. nak beli jurnal? heh...g...