
Lampu Isyarat ajaib

cr:kosmo Konfius kan? mana satu yang betul.  Lampu isyarat ini ada di China. Atau lebih tepat di Taman Tema Yangrenjie, Chongging.  Tapi jangan risau, fungsinya sebagai hiasan sahaja. Orang buat derkk je tengok lampu ni.  Kalau kt Malaysia, mau tak jam tengah jalan ada lampu cam ni. 


I never expected to watch this in real life. Have you watch it? A meteorite shower has crash landed across Russia's Ural region, injuring over 250 people and damaging buildings in six cities. Residents in Chelyabinsk reported shaking ground, windows shattering and car alarms going off as the rocks fell to Earth. you can see the meteor just suddenly appear on the sky. wow. it's like i'm watching the sci-fi film!. But it's real. it's happening. But my question is, why no one see this coming? like they predict about the asteroid 2012 DA14 that will pass by Earth tonight, but they can't see this one? Allah Maha Besar, Maha Mengetahui segala yang di langit dan di bumi. 

Utautai No Ballad (Singer's Ballad)- D-Lite (Daesung)

short version. will be released on 27 February 2013.

AJL 27 - Teman Pengganti

ok, i know it's few days late. but whatever la kan.  i just want to post my favourite performance of that night.  Teman Pengganti- Black & RJ  original singer (Black & Malique) seriously, penyampaian emosi, lirik, melodi yang cukup berkesan daripada overall team Black & RJ. me from just casual listener je before this, dah jadi terminat habis dah dengan lagu ni. before this I always know that Malique's songs are great. I really like his songs especially his lyrics. I think all can accept that they won the Best Performance Award. But sad that they didn't get the top 3 because I think they deserve one spot there. Ok, maybe they got top 4. heh, nak jugak kan.  Malam tadi, duk menjalar kt youtube, lepas satu, satu layan lagu Malique. Esok dah plan nak pergi cari album dia. Worth la untuk I beli album dia ni. Harap-harapnya adalah kt kedai speedy. kalau tak, tak tau nak cari kt mana. Bukannya rajin sangat nak pergi jauh2 just to buy CD kan. Biasalah.


i've been listening to this song since my friend tweeted this video link. my first time listening to this song tbh, i can tell that i love this song so much. the melody is so beautiful. my wish is that for dae to sing this kind of song. can't wait to get his album.